Our Supported Employment services provide preparation, training, and assessment of skills and interests, to obtain and maintain community jobs. Along with job placement, we also provide long-term follow-up services. Norse Project Search links us with Campbell Co. schools to train students in their last year of high school by using intern sites at Northern Kentucky University.
Our Community Rehabilitation Services provide training that gives individuals opportunities to develop a pattern for adult life, to develop vocational potential, and provide a therapeutic, transitional and paid work setting. This highly structured and individualized programming gives individuals the opportunity to develop life and work skills to achieve their optimal level of independence and functioning. It is designed to foster full participation in the community and in life’s major functions and activities, including participation in work. Life Transitions assists aging individuals with their transitional life needs, and those with more severe disabilities intensive activity so they may improve, maintain, or age in place for their personal levels of functioning. Although LTS is and extension of CRS, it provides more social, leisure, and recreational activities for individuals in a more relaxed environment.
The components of Community Rehabilitation and Life Transitions Services are: individualized support planning and implementation, work skills training, daily living skills training, individual and group community experiences, paid employment, remedial education, literacy skills, instructional groups, therapeutic employment, vocational supported employment, and community skills training.
Our Facility Based Work Adjustment Training prepares individuals with disabilities or barriers to employment for community based employment through counseling, work related skills training and work training. Remunerative work is provided in a realistic job setting so that program staff may support individuals to prepare them for community based employment.
Our Production Services establish working relationships and sub-contract arrangements with area businesses to provide a variety of work opportunities for our consumers. These opportunities enable BAWAC to provide a variety of work experiences and training in areas such as assembly, inspection, collating, sorting, packaging, labeling, bagging, sealing, and machining. BAWAC offers area businesses a quality, timely and cost effective solution, specifically tailored to their unique needs. BAWAC has demonstrated to over 100 area companies the added value and reliability we offer to their business.
BAWAC transportation provides access from home or residential settings to programs and employment sites for Medicaid Waiver consumers in six counties throughout Northern Kentucky. We pride ourselves on providing reliable and timely transportation by trained and courteous drivers to over 200 individuals per day. We also provide non-emergency medical transportation to Medicaid participants in the Northern Kentucky region through NKADD and FTSB.